Monday, July 2, 2012

Sandusky and Madoff Comparisons

It has been all over the headlines about the former Penn State coach, Jerry Sandusky, being convicted for sexual assault of boys: a pedophile. As I was studying his face, it reminded me of Bernie Madoff's face. What do their faces have in common ? Quite a bit.

Comparisons show some striking similarities: both men have the high, rounded foreheads, somewhat strong brow bones, coarse skin, a good deal of roundness on their faces,  large noses, large chins, and storyteller ears. Here's what those things mean:

  • The high rounded forehead I call the Natural Salesman Forehead. This is the mark of someone who is intelligent, resourceful, quick-minded, will play situations to get what they want, and can be very creative in selling their agenda.
  • Coarse skin is a person who is uninhibited, likes to live life in a big way, wants status and status symbols, is often insensitive to other's pain, MAY push boundaries without concern for ethics. The attitude is "rules are for people who need them," implying of course, that they don't.
  • The strong brow bones indicates a natural leader with issues around boundaries, control, and anger. They don't feel others have a right to question them, will invade others' boundaries but will not tolerate the same in return (what's mine and mine and what's yours is mine), and can be very aggressive.
  • Roundedness is sociable, easy to be around, and like the finer things in life. Usually quite business savvy and oriented toward money.
  • Large noses are the sign of a large ego drive, a need to be on top of the heap and will push their way to the front. It is often found in entrepreneurs and heads of state/organizations/businesses, etc. The concern is usually with their own agenda; a relentless push to make their mark in life.
  • Storyteller ears can be eccentric, easily able to dramatize a story. They have the creative exaggeration and twists  down to a fine art.
Do you begin to see where this is going? The potential for crossing the line is definitely there.

Sandusky also has upturned eyes (keeps secrets, expects life to turn out well, is mercurial and flirtatious); and a dimple in his chin (the performer, plays to the limelight). The lips are fairly full, showing sensuality. This entire combination shows the potential for exceeding the boundaries of the norm and working the system for personal profit regardless of others' rights. *

Madoff's features include close-set eyes with rather small irises (perfectionistic about details, takes care of business immediately, will tolerate no mistakes and dispassionate rather than sympathetic), thin lips (close-mouthed about things, not sensual) broad square chin and big jaws (takes over, tyrannical, a fighter) and those high ears figures everything is relative. Very pragmatic about life. The hook nose is highly focused on money and overseeing things. This is not a nose that  is typically oriented to serving others, but rather looks at everything in terms of dollars and cents.

In the final analysis, it is not because of the combination of traits, but rather what a person chooses to do with them that determines the criminal activity. And choices made are a question of personal ethics.

* There are also stories on the internet that Sandusky was pimping young boys to wealthy donors through his Second Mile non-profit for disadvantaged boys. It has been disbanded and its assets given to another non-profit.

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